Friday, December 11, 2015

Dear Future Daughter

Dear Future Daughter,

You deserve the best. I mean it with all my heart, with all my soul. A soul mate;  someone who we are beyond thrilled to meet. We are thrilled to know where we will meet them, how we will meet them and most importantly, what they are like. We wonder if we will meet them in college or in a place we aren’t even aware exists yet. In the absolutely cheesiest way possible, we are thrilled to know whose name will be beside ours on our wedding invitations, whose name will be beside ours on our child’s birth certificate, whose pillow will be beside ours come morning. We are thrilled to know our soul mate, but let’s start being thrilled without anxiety. Let’s start being thrilled while resting in who our God is. Let’s be thrilled knowing that if they are indeed our soul mate, our souls will indeed mate.
We love to fall in love. We love to be liked, to be noticed, to be desired. I am not talking about young girls in general. I am not even talking about women in general. I am talking about human beings in general. We love to love and even more, love to be loved. Our problem today is that we are settling. We are settling for men that hold doors behind them instead of in front of them. We are settling for surface level relationships when we should be seeking deeper conversations, deeper moments. We are settling for, “talking,” for “things” when we should have an, “if you know, you know, let’s do something about this or I’ll be on my way,” kind of mindset. We are texting. We are snapchatting. We are liking each others’ Instagram posts. Let’s not settle for social media flirtation. If they really like you, they will like the real you more than the social media you. We are settling for a twenty-first century relationship when we should be seeking an everlasting love.
We should not be throwing in the towel simply because we realize they snort when they laugh, sing too loudly in the car or snore when they sleep. We are people. We are a lovely mess and masterpiece all at once. We should not be expecting a man without flaws, as he should not be expecting a woman without them. We should not be giving up because we are fighting every once in a while. Because in every relationship worth something, there will be fights about anything and everything. We should not be giving up because the other person in the relationship is simply human. We should not be expecting a perfect man, but a respectable and loving one.
We should be expecting a gentleman. We should be expecting men who come from women who have raised them right and not settling for anything less. We should be expecting treatment fueled from our God’s love for us and not our generation’s standards. There is no perfect man out there, but there is man who will be perfect for you. There is a laugh that will create a beautiful harmony when aligned with yours. There are eyes that will tear up when they view you in a white dress. There are hands that will hold you when you have had enough and feet that will dance with you in the kitchen on a Monday night.
Love is a two way street. We should be treated how we have desired to be treated throughout our whole lives and also be willing to return this treatment to them as well. You cannot expect a breathtaking love story if he is the only one writing it, nor should he expect one if you are the only author. Don’t believe the lies the world tries to tell you when you begin to believe that a kind, passionate and Christ like man is unrealistic. Do not believe them when they tell you, you are living in a fantasy world, because you crave a more meaningful relationship than the rest of the world. You simply have higher standards than the others and you will one day see the great gift of high standards convert into a high valued relationship.
Relationships end. We cannot be looking forward to a full life while simultaneously looking forward to a life of no heartbreak, no heartbreaking and no lessons learned. They end, you cry, you hurt, you go on. . They often end solely because it was not meant to be. Maybe your senses of humor do not line up. That’s no one’s fault. Maybe you’re too outgoing for him. That’s no one’s fault. On the other hand, relationships have the potential of ending when one or two involved in the relationship were not putting in their best effort. There is the option of settling when you are putting in 100% while he is putting in 20% at most. There is the option of seeing what is in front of you, being too scared that no one else will love you like they do, and staying out of fear. When you settle, your sadness, your absence of fulfillment, your emptiness is no longer his problem, it is yours. Yes, blunt and rough; it is yours. We can blame others mistakes and lack of love on them, but when we stay in these places of comfort, we are hurting ourselves more.
You do not deserve a twenty-first century  relationship. You don’t deserve a relationship centered on read receipts or likes on social media. You deserve a relationship centered on Love, a relationship centered on something greater than the two of you combined. You do not deserve to be cheated on, under any circumstances, ever. You deserve someone who would never think of leaving you, seriously. You deserve to be appreciated, not judged for the intelligent, beautiful, worthy of love, human that you are. You don’t deserve to be embarrassed by rude tipping habits. You deserve to be proud of all that your partner is. You do not deserve to feel like the only one in the relationship. You deserve to feel like there is another person, also putting 100% in on the other side. You don’t deserve a car honk or a text. You deserve a doorbell ring. You do not deserve to be treated less than. You deserve to be treated like the most important human in the world.
Do not sell yourself short. Do not be afraid. Because if it is not who you are with, he is even better. No matter how hard that is to believe, God’s greatest gifts are upgrades. Know that if he won’t, someone else will. If he won’t treat you like you believe you should be and desire to be treated, that does not mean that no one ever will. You should not feel like you are settling at any point. If you are settling, you are better off alone. If he is unfaithful, you are better off alone. If he is treating you in a way below your expectations and your standards, you are better off alone.
Know that if he isn’t kind to waiters, there is someone who is. If he doesn’t shake hands and make good eye contact, there is someone who does. If he doesn’t pull your chair out for you, someone else will. If he cancels on you often, there is someone who will be there ten minutes early. If he is constantly red faced and yelling, there is someone who finds no need to do so. If he doesn’t walk you to the door because it is too outdated, know there is someone who believes the exact opposite. If he doesn’t remember small details, know there is a relationship in which you will find yourself surprised as to how much they know about you. If he doesn’t go out of his way, know there is someone else who will.
If you wouldn’t marry them, don’t date them. That’s one of my biggest pieces of advice from my seventeen year old single self. If you wouldn’t want to wake up to their
face personality, each day, seven days a week, for the rest of your life, don’t waste your time now. If you wouldn’t want your kids to be just like them, don’t waste your time now. Wait for someone you would never associate the word, “settle,” with. Wait instead of settling. Wait because there is someone who will look at you in a way you didn’t know was possible. Wait because there is something greater, a relationship between soul mates, and not just, “loved to be loved,” young people. Wait because there is someone who would never allow you to settle. Wait because if he won’t, someone else will.

Your Past (19 Year Old Self) Mom

Friday, December 4, 2015

My Interview With the Savior

In a conference given to the youth of BYU Hawaii, Russell M. Nelson states, “Each day on earth is an opportunity to take the time to prepare for the interview all will have with the Savior on Judgment Day. Divine aids including the Holy Ghost, scriptures, patriarchal blessings, and living prophets are all guides in helping individuals choose well.”

In reflecting upon what my life is right now, I know that I want to become better than who I am today. I know I am far from perfect, but I also know that by striving to be the best that I can be every day, I can be perfected unto Him. I want to be able to sit in front of the Savior with absolute confidence of my salvation because of my good actions here in this mortal life. I want to prepare for this day by studying who the Savior truly was by getting to know Him so personally that I would never have a doubt about His existence, all while keeping the commandments because of my love for the gospel and faith in Jesus Christ. In order to more fully do this, I know that I have guides in my life which is the Holy Spirit and my patriarchal blessing that I know can lead me into the direction of His light.

I love Russell M. Nelson’s reminder of, “As you choose to live on the Lord’s side, you are never alone. God has given you access to His help while you move along mortality’s perilous pathway. As you diligently, earnestly pour your heart out to Him in daily prayer, He will send His angels to help you.” It scares me to think about how much more I have to become in order to sit in my interview with the Savior in absolute peace, but at the same time, it comforts me to know that through His grace and the atonement of Christ, all I will feel is love in that particular moment. There is so much hope and love when I think about the Christ that I know, and I know that the Savior sees and knows my potential, and I know that I can become the person the Savior sees me being. Knowing these things, it fills me with happiness as I think about seeing my Savior again. My interview with Him will be a joyous day especially with the knowledge that I won’t ever be alone in this journey of life, but it all depends on me. On coming unto Christ. It's a choice that I must make every day in order to be prepared for this day by already knowing what He will say to me.

Patricia T.

Friday, November 27, 2015

They Call it Black Friday for a Reason

Black Friday.
(The day where seeds of darkness sprouts from the hearts of shoppers everywhere.. )

The first rule of Black Friday shopping: 1) There are no rules.

Black Friday should be the modernized version of the Hunger Games in real life. The crowds go crazy. People check their humanity out the door. There's trampling, fights, competition. It's the day that the American people go to buy countless of goods moments after thanking God for what they already have.

It's been a beautiful tradition for my close family and friends to celebrate this unmarked calendarized holiday as a way to save money and buy meaningful Christmas presents for ourselves. Well and others.. but mostly for ourselves.

I'm definitely not a first timer Black Friday shopper. Even though I may seem small and innocent, I know what I want and I know how to get it. It brings out less of the princess-y side of my personality and more of the warrior side of me. It can be lethal according to my sources. I've been at it for six years and I'm no newbie at this. If you're going for your first time, make sure you go with someone who's experienced or else your adventure in this area of life can become at times confusing and definitely chaotic.I've personally had times where while innocently shopping at Wal-Mart, and I've had to leap out the way of shoppers carrying around 70" plasma screen televisions. You've got to be careful not to become another statistic in the number of people trampled in the black Friday world.

Also, on this day you need to be strategic. Put on your game face and map out your shopping destinations while simultaneously have someone already in the shopping line so that you can hit the next door buster sale. Always always ALWAYS have your phone. Communication is vital in moments of war, and trust no one. Not even the sweet old lady at the check out line who claims she is helpful and wants to let you put your things in her cart from the very sweetness and goodness of her heart. Like I said trust no one.

You can only trust those you came with and mere moments of distractions can be the moment of truth for what you came there to buy. Store maps, coupons, cell phones, gasoline, caffeine of choice, snacks, strong man power, and ninja skills are all musts. You need to be quick and head strong especially when picking out awesome movie deals. But hey, it's worth it. At least once in your life time. Teaches you leadership skills. 

Well that's it from me today. Happy shopping everyone!  


Patricia T,

Friday, November 20, 2015


In 24 hours you can go on adventures that can enhance your life in culture and diversity. 

you could walk around the entire island of Manhattan…

Locals call the 32-mile course "The Island," and it's a major rite of passage. 
Why it's life changing: You'll get to see some interesting sides of the city that most people never experience. All of the sides, actually.

2. …or complete the Lost Coast Trail in California.

The 24-mile oceanside trail is made more difficult by the tides, which will rise and fall throughout the day, rendering some portions of the trail temporarily impassable.
Why it's life changing: How many hikes require a tide map to complete?

3. You could read one of the classic or modern classic American novels listed below from start to finish.

The average person reads about 200 words per minute. At this rate, you could finish roughly 290,000 words in 24 hours. 
Why it's life changing: Because a good book sticks with you forever.

4. Or read through any of Shakespeare’s 37 plays.

Word counts found here
Why it's life changing: Because Shakespeare is credited for having invented many of the words, phrases, archetypes, and plots that are still used in modern storytelling today.

5. You could go vegan for a day.

Why it's life changing: Because you never know if you'll like something until you try it. Who knows how good tomorrow could feel!

6. Or do the complete opposite thing and smoke the best brisket you’ve ever tasted.

Smoking times vary by the heat of your smoker and the weight of your cut, but a larger cut can easily smoke for 12 hours. And that doesn't count prep or eating!
Why it's life changing: If you don't believe brisket will change your life, you haven't eaten good brisket.

7. You could bike the entire Road to Hana in Maui, Hawaii…

The 62-mile journey has 620 curves and crosses 59 bridges, most of which are just one lane wide. The jungle and ocean views are incredible throughout. And stop at Halfway to Hana for some much-needed banana bread fuel!
Why it's life changing: Biking through spectacular tropical scenery is something you'll never forget.

8. …or bike from Miami to Key West.

The 160-mile trek across the Conch Republic is not for beginners, but it's possible to finish in one day. The beautiful ride crosses 42 bridges and offers constant ocean views.
Why it's life changing: The sense of accomplishment at the end of the ride.

9. You could listen to the entire catalog of a legendary artist or band…

Step one: Pick an artist you know you should be familiar with but aren't (inspiration can be found here). Step two: listen to all of their albums. 
Why it's life changing: It's interesting to listen to an iconic artist's sound as it evolves over the years.

10. Or make it through the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time Playlist.

(Almost.) But if you skip the songs you know, you'll definitely make it in under 24. Listen herefor free.
Why it's life changing: You never know when you'll find a new favorite song.

11. You could take a sunrise picture at the Grand Canyon, eat lunch under a giant sequoia at Sequoia National Park, and see the sunset over El Capitan in Yosemite.

But only in summertime when the days are long enough for the 13-hour driving tour.
Why it's life changing: These are three of America's greatest natural wonders. You've got to see them for yourself!

12. You could make a gratitude list of everyone in your life for whom you are thankful…

Why it's life changing: You will realize just how much you owe everyone. That's a lesson in humility you aren't soon to forget.

13. …and then you could write each of those people a letter or email telling them why you’re thankful for them.

Why it's life changing: Just think how many ~feels~ you could give the good people in your just one day. You'll be changing the lives of those around you.

14. You could stand in the lowest place in America and then climb to the highest place in (contiguous) America.

Incredibly, Badwater Basin — the lowest point in America — is only 84 miles from Mt. Whitney's 14,494-foot peak, the highest summit in the lower 48, which is accessible via a 10.7-mile trail. 
Why it's life changing: You can't appreciate the bottom until you've got a view from the top.

15. You could learn the steps to a new dance move…

YouTube dance tutorials, people. Use them. 
Why it's life changing: You'll be the coolest person on the wedding dance floor for the rest of time.

16. …or learn the fundamentals of a new instrument.

It's even easier if you already know one instrument. YouTube tutorials — they're free and helpful. Cannot stress that enough. 
Why it's life changing: Playing an instrument is a simple pleasure anyone can enjoy and continue to enjoy forever.

17. You could put a toe in the Rio Grande in Texas and then drive north to Minnesota and dip a toe in Lake Superior.

The trip would take under 24 hours total drive time. Just make sure you go with friends and rotate drivers. 
Why it's life changing: This border-to-border trip is definitely bucket-list material.

18. You could start learning a new language.

There's an app for that. 24 hours of study will give you a solid foundation in a language of your choosing. 
Why it's life changing: There are 7 billion people in the world. If you just speak English, you can communicate with only 25% of them.

19. Or begin learning to code.

In 24 hours, you could make it through all 10 lectures in Harvard's free CS50 intro to computer science course. It's a great launchpad to more rigorous and specific areas of study.
Why it's life changing: Computer languages are more important than ever. Learning to code will help you to build a website, build an application, or build anything you can dream up.

20. You could watch a film (or five) from the American Film Institute’s list of 100 Greatest American Films of All Time…

Check out the list here.
Why it's life changing: A great film is an aesthetic and emotional experience unlike any other.

21. …make it through two whole seasons of House of Cards

Why it's life changing: This. Show. Is. So. Good. And you'll finally understand that whole ring-tapping thing.

22. …or host a movie marathon with themed refreshments.

Lord of the RingsStar WarsThe Godfather? Plus your friends and coordinated food and beverages? It's a great way to experience a classic trilogy — or three films that share a theme.
Why it's life changing: Epic movies are made better by immersive viewing experiences.

23. You could undertake a DIY project to improve your space.

Why it's life changing: Because the living room really needed that accent wall. Even subtle changes refresh your living space and improve your mood.

24. Lastly, in 24 hours, you could turn off your phone, leave your laptop closed, and spend a whole day goofing off with a friend.

Why it's life changing: Because spending quality time with the people you love is so important, yet so easy to overlook.

Patricia T.